
News Details

Date - 2021-10-04

Ration Kit Distribution

The Belhalli community is a nomadic community from Uttar Pradesh. This community earns their livelihood by engaging in the traditional artistry of making drums. The community has a community of around 400 people. The community is marred with several issues including extreme poverty, family planning and health issues amongst other problems. It is a community of forced nomads (who have been forced to move around due to the lack of jobs and livelihood availability) from the Northern parts of India.  The pandemic and the lockdown has created multiple problems for this community and damaged their traditional occupation of tabla making. The community has lost 3 months’ worth of income due to the lockdown and the community due to this has had to depend on the goodwill of others to get through this time. Even currently after the lockdown the community is finding it difficult to bounce back and is unsure of what way to come back and do their normal jobs and at what cost.