
Special Causes

Girls Empowerment

Help our women unleash their full potential by supporting their will to learn and helping them craft a life they've always dreamed of.

Vocational Education

Every little contribution we make towards this cause will give our determined women with a chance to live independently and with dignity by becoming future entrepreneurs.

Community Development

Give hope to those who are need let's make poverty history

Education by Sponsorship

Ensure a brighter tomorrow for her by supporting her education today.

Emergency Response
Sheltor and Relief

Home is a shelter from all the storms don't let her settle for sand castles enable her to build her own empire!

Emergency Response
Personal Hygiene Kit

Help us to reach the unreachable call for not only clean personal hygiene but purity.

Emergency Response
Ration Kit

Make someone's day better, make someone smile, help someone in need and become a reason someone will not sleep empty stomach.